March 14, 2011

Nerd Break

So this was my last spring break and how did I spend it? (One might ask..) How about only a few hours of wedding stuff...a few more hours getting lost on Capitol Hill earlier in the week, then the last four days or so almost completely holed up in my bed reading these:

Well...just the last two. I read The Hunger Games for a class maybe a month ago and couldn't wait for a chance to read the other two. Last week was my chance, and I certainly didn't miss it. I couldn't put them down! And when work or Miles (whom I do not equate with work) required my attention to be elsewhere--I'm ashamed to say I didn't fully carry out that requirement. All I could think of was what would happen next or when I could climb back into my nerd cave and get back to my book.

Only now that I have finished the trilogy, am I fully realizing how much I have been/still am geeking out over these books. One of my friends just finished Catching Fire and started Mockingjay today, so we are both obsessing together. But I think I may be taking mine a little too far. Pre-casting everyone in my head...missing these blasted characters when I really do have plenty of wonderful, real people in my life right now.

But I mean I guess thats a good book, right? Good books are just so good.

Dear family, friends, wedding and especially Miles--I'm sorry I've been totally AWOL the past few days. I am back! But maybe only to talk your ears off about these books.... 

1 comment:

  1. I was totally considering getting the audiobook of Hunger Games (haven't read any of these yet) for our road trip to Nashville! Knowing that you like it so much seems appropriate..


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