June 26, 2011

Five Days!

Obviously not counting today or the day of. I haven't counted those days for quite some time now--to make the countdown seem shorter, dur. In five days I will be a wife! In five days Miles will be my husband! And in seven days we will be relaxing on the beach...possibly getting rained on. We're the geniuses that booked a Dominican Republic honeymoon during its rainy season. 

Miles and I got to go on a date last week to try Bobbie's Dairy Dip for the first time. As you know, we are all about burgers and this place is definitely now on our "eat here as much as possible" list. 

I have been obsessing over the weather on the 2nd, waiting forever to be able to see what it will be on the 10-day forecast. The first few days it was on there, it was 80% chance of rain and thunderstormy. Every day since the percentage has gone down and the "severe" has gone to "scattered" to "isolated" and now it is supposed to be mostly sunny with a 0% chance of rain! You know I squealed with joy when I saw that. Not that any part of the wedding or reception is outside...but we're hoping to take our pictures in the same park we did our engagement shoot before the ceremony. I can't wait to see my handsome groom. I always knew that I would cry at some point in the ceremony, but now Miles is coming to realize he may get a little teary too. Which is just going to make matters worse for me. What if I am weeping the entire ceremony? Surely thats not possible....Right?

Tomorrow we print the programs, Tuesday I get my dress, Wednesday we are going wild flower picking, Thursday my dad and brother are flying in and my momma's entire family is coming to town and we will all be staying in the same house. I know I am going to love it. Seriously, I cannot think of a better way to spend the two days before I get married. Its going to be insane, crowded, loud, and incredibly fun. Friday is decorations, bridal luncheon, mani-pedis, rehearsal, dinner and then popsicle pool partaaay!! This week will only get better and better with each day, leading up to the ultimate best day ever. 


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