June 19, 2011

Hobby Hunting

The other day I splurged and bought several recipe books. I have spent the evening thumbing through them while Sense & Sensibility plays in the background and have worked up a great excitement for the future that cooking hopefully has in my life. 

Miles has told me on several occasions that I need a hobby. He has several and I literally have none. I don't count watching movies or eating frozen yogurt as a hobby since I don't think it would be allowed by the hobby police (headquartered at Hobby Lobby). Miles loves everything guitars. Playing them, building them, reading about them, listening to all kinds of guitar players, watching videos, learning about [memorizing and telling me all of their] histories, learning techniques, guitar window shopping, guitar store shopping, guitar internet shopping...what have I left out? So I think I have decided that my hobby is going to be cooking. I don't think I'll ever really be a true foodie or a master chef, but I still really love food. And so does Miles. And we both have to eat...So that works out well! 

These three books are the ones that got me most excited about this new endeavor:

I've already marked a ton of recipes that seem easy enough for me to try out and I am eager to get down and dirty in the kitchen after the wedding dust has settled. 

For this post label, I was bouncing around something like, "Whats Cookin'" or "In ze Kitchen" or "Fooooooooooood!" But I'll hold off on all that and see if this hobby sticks. And hopefully not to my derriere.


  1. Ooh nice, I want to check out that "Time for Dinner" one. I struggle with getting in a rut and only cooking the same things over and over.

    One of my fave cookbooks since I got married is this one:

    It's categorized seasonally both for what's fresh any given time of year but also just for what sounds good! I like it a lot.

  2. That sounds great! I'll have to check it out


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