April 09, 2012

Weekend Getaway

Our Chattanooga weekend was so incredibly wonderful. Miles and I kind of had a hunch that we needed some time away for just the two of us, but we had no idea how refreshing it would actually be. It was the first time we've been away together, alone, without friends or family as company. Except our honeymoon, dur. We rested, we had great conversations, we were carefree, we spent way too much money (I guess I was wrong about thinking we'd be safe from that), we ate delicious foods, walked around forever, went to the aquarium, took our time...it was beyond perfect. And I couldn't have wished for more beautiful weather. I even took a screenshot of the weather on my phone to remember exactly how perfect it felt. The best 63 degrees of your life.

Miles has decided that we need to go on weekend trips every weekend. We'll have to find a more reasonable/affordable alternative, but we will definitely plan to get away more often. We took a ton of pictures, so I'll have to weed through them and spread them out over a few posts. Expect the aquarium post to have an obnoxious amount of fishy pics.

I ended up having to work last Friday morning instead of having the whole day off, so we didn't get into Chattanooga until around 4. Just in time to check in... and take a nap. I love naps. Have I shared this before? Naps are the best. And I've started to rub off on Miles when it comes to loving them. We stayed at The Chattanoogan and really liked it. Our room was, unfortunately, on the way to the pool, and surrounded by rooms full of happy, loud kiddos on either side. But that was the only thing we would've changed. And it was kind of out of our hands. Well, Miles would've wanted there to be robes in the closet and for the actual hotel building to be from the 30s. But you can't have it all, bud. I love the blackout curtains that most (all?) hotels have now. You know what they're perfect for? Naps. 
The bathroom was lit in such a way that would make anyone look red carpet fabulously gorgeous. Which was so amazing while I was getting ready, and a rude awakening when I passed my first reality check mirror. I went from "I'm simply glowing!", to "oh, nope".

We ate at Tony's in the art district, per a new blogging/we've met in real life a million years ago friend's suggestion. And it was delicious. And in such a fun area. We walked around forever after dinner and loved everything about the sculptures, the houses, the little hilly streets... Then later on, we walked a block or two over to Urban Stack, where we ate last time we were in Chattanooga, for drinks and late night conversations. Twas a wonderful start to our weekend.


  1. ohhhh I love chattanooga! My dad's family all lives there, so I grew up visiting a lot. Isn't it wonderful?! Next time you go, you should eat at Food Works... it's SO good! :-) I'm glad you were able to escape together for a bit!

  2. So glad you liked Tony's! Annnnd let's be real friends, okay? Let's get a drink soon :)


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