March 08, 2012

Right Now:

I saw this list of things on another blog that I recently began to read, and liked the idea of taking a given day and writing about the basics. I think mostly because my dorky, sentimental self will eat this up months/years from now. I like reminders of specific moments, likes, thoughts that I once had. This blog has been perfect for that. I can re-read and remember things that happened, and remember them so well. It gives me a wonderful sense of connection to the little things that make up the big things that make up my life. I journal, and have for ages, but I think I allow for more structured thoughts/comments/memories on this blog, knowing that its "out there" should others stumble upon it. This also serves as a reminder to me when I feel like I'm kind of defined by being a full-time nanny and not much else, that there actually is more than spit up and baby giggles and snotty noses and cuddle times. That is, until its my baby's spit up and giggles, and nose and cuddles. Then yes. That is all there is :) 
So there is my introduction (wow). This is what my life, days, moments consist of right now. 

Reading: One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp 
Its really making me re-think the way I go about my day and how cultivating a spirit of thankfulness can make a huge impact on everything else I do and any relationships that I have. 

Eating: Black olives. All the time. Its like I forgot they existed (and that I love them) up until a week ago...

Planning: Furniture arrangements in our (hopefully) future house. And possibly an anniversary trip, if we could ever deiced on a place to go. Yosemite!
 right? am I right?? (image found here via bbene on you guessed it, Pintrest)

Listening: To this song. Still. I jumped on the bandwagon a little late, but have held on for quite a while.

Wearing: My cozy Christmas present poncho that my mother-in-law initially bought thinking it was a scarf. Twas a wonderful surprise as I kept unfolding it. Really. My exclamations grew louder and louder the more it unfolded, and then it got kind of ridiculous when we all realized it was a poncho. 

Watching: Season 2 of Gossip Girl for the first time. Chuck Bass. So...I can't even find the words.

Loving: This idea from A Cup of Jo. Meeting Miles at the restaurant for a date, rather than getting ready together. Honestly. I can't remember the last time that happened. Even before the "getting ready together"ness. He'd always pick me up/wait for me to be ready and then drive. I pinned it so I'd remember. I'm also still loving Pintrest. I don't think that will ever end. My organizer's heart is full of organizing joy.

Wanting: Apart from closing on a house...a general personal shopping spree. Its been a while. 

Confessing: As mentioned in "listening", I only finally heard Somebody That I Used To Know after probably 20 of my facebook friends posted it onto their pages. And at least 100 (or so it feels like) friends posted about Kony 2012 before I finally watched it.* There is something in me that steers away from watching/listening/reading/wearing the newest things. Someone else signed me up for facebook in the beginning because I was so resistant. I have a twitter account, but don't remember what it is, and think I've only tweeted twice. With about a year's gap in between them. I don't think I consciously shy away from bandwagons (that is apparently the metaphor I have chosen to go with) for any specific reason, I guess I just want to like something because I like it and not because everyone else does? I was so the opposite of that mentality for most of my life, but now I'm pretty comfortable with being on this side of things. That being said, I'm sure I also miss out on stuff! I know I miss out on music. I'm so behind that it kind of gets overwhelming? In high school I was obsessed with finding and listening to new artists, it was actually really time consuming. Then I went to a music school for college and was half intimidated by everyone's knowledge/desire, half burned out by it. And I haven't ever really recovered. Now that I think of it, Nashville probably isn't the best place to recover from that...So yes, I know I miss out, but I am also kind of okay with that. And always being behind. Miles really only listens to old music (as in 30+ years old), so I'm in good company. 
Phew. First official (superficial) blog confession over. 

Hopefully I can think ahead to have some pictures to go along with these in the future.

*Although I think the video has several really good points, I have some slight reservations about Invisible Children that I could ramble on about, but will refrain. But to be fair, I am 100% supportive of raising awareness and taking action--but the right kind of action, effective action... Yikes, I've begun to type and deleted several more sentences. I really could talk about this for a while, it leads me to so many other things, I love having conversations about this. But I didn't even intend to have an asterisked part of this post. So. Fail. THE END!
Wait, here  and here (opinion #4)  are quick articles to read to give a hint of my hesitations about IC. 

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