October 31, 2012

Thirty First

Miles and I have never really done much for Halloween...ever. But in an attempt to be good neighbors (and not get our house egged) we are going to camp out on our porch tonight and give out candy! I hope we can meet some more of our neighbors, and I'm really looking forward to seeing some cute little kiddos in costumes. I took the nanny babies to the library for Halloween Story Time the morning, and goodness me, there were some pretty adorable costumes. I think I'll enjoy Halloween much more when I have a little beeb of my own to dress up. Duhh.

But for now, I just need everyone to come and take all of this candy I bought before I eat it all. And  I need them to come early so we can catch up on The Walking Dead and still go to bed early. Kthanks. Yours truly, the 23 year old in the house at the end of the street.

October 24, 2012

Just, Blah

I told Miles last night I feel pretty "blah" most of the time. Very thankful for my husband, my job, our home, our baby kitty, my new car...but too exhausted to really feel like I'm appreciating anything properly. For almost a month now, I've been watching a second nanny baby. An 18 month old is definitely a handful, but add a 4 month old to the mix and I'm about dead by the end of the day. I know moms do this all the time, and I know they're way more exhausted that I am since I can hand the babies over at 5, but ahhhhh! So this is my "I'm still alive, but barely" post. Hopefully I can figure out a way to reclaim my life outside of nanny hood soon. But until then, my bed (with a newly purchased memory foam topper, wowzers) is my favorite place to be, and the hardest place to leave. 

October 15, 2012

Honky Tonkin'

On Saturday, Miles and I went honky tonkin' for the first time together. I've been a few times over the years, but Miles had never been. Now, to clarify, we only went to one real honky tonk bar...but I'm still going to count it.

Before our big night out, we took a nap. Yep. And really, the nap was only so we could last through a midnight movie showing...and we didn't last. I know, we're a little bit lame, but we tried! (And we're totally okay with being homebodies 95% of the time)

We started out our night at The Flying Saucer, where they were celebrating John Lennon's birthday with a fantastic Beatles cover band. I'm not a huge beer drinker, but it was a lot of fun, and I had the best pretzel of my life. Then we went to Robert's, squeezed through everyone to get to the balcony in the back, and ended up getting the best seats in the house. 

Sometimes you just gotta give in to the fact that you live in Nashville and go listen to some twangy country music. Robert's is probably my favorite honky tonk though...the few times that I've been there, the house band (or whoever is playing...) is actually really fun and great to listen to. We had ourselves a country/surf band to enjoy on Saturday night, and Miles has heard great things about some guy who plays on Thursdays, so I'm sure we'll be find ourselves back on lower Broadway again very soon.

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October 12, 2012

Story Time


Can I brag on the Nashville Public Library's children's program? We go to story time at the main branch every week, and try to make it to most of the other shows they put on and I have loved every single one. We went to a Mother Goose show a few weeks ago and Ellingtown today. I was worried about making it to these library events with a second little one in tow, and its definitely harder, but so worth it. My bigger (as in, 18 months) nanny bebe loves all the puppets from story time, and squeals with excitement when we pull into the parking garage to the library.

Being a nanny, I have a lot of time to think about what I'll do when I'm actually taking care of my baby one day...and every time I'm in the children's theater at the main library, I feel so proud of my city and it makes me so happy to think of bringing my babes to story time one day.

October 08, 2012

New Hair, New Car & One Incredible Show

This weekend, I chopped all my hair off, we bought a new car, and finally went to see The Shins. I would've been happy with any of those three things on their own, but all together it has left me feeling like David after the Dentist--is this real life?

On Sunday, Miles drove my car and finally understood why I worry it won't start every time I get in it. So we went to look at cars, as we've done casually the past few months. But this time, we found the exact car I wanted, test drove it, went home and talked about it as reasonably and objectively as we could, and went straight back to the dealership to sign the papers. I love it and am so ready to take some road trips in that bad boy. 

Unlike buying a car...we had been planning on and painfully waiting for the day to arrive where we could finally finish the last of Miles' birthday presents. I'm sure I've mentioned how much I love The Shins, and how even though Miles likes them too, that part of his birthday present may have been a little more for myself. At least I'm being honest? So we loaded into our fancy new ride and went to Whiskey Kitchen before the show. We had a very adult dinner of expensive drinks, spinach artichoke dip, and a root beer float. Maybe one of our more fun dates in recent history. Probably because I made a mental note ahead of time to indulge and allow expensive drinks to be purchased. Carefree like I'm made of mon-ayy. 

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And then...The Shins. Oh, how I love The Shins. Does it make sense to say that this music has been one of the few constants in my life over the past several years? From Hong Kong, to Birmingham, to Kenya, to Nashville, through moving, and growing, and sadness, and happiness, and falling in love, and getting married, and learning how to be an adult... My go-to sad song is a Shins song. And my go-to happy song is a Shins song. So chyah, I was  pretty excited when everything worked out to finally be able to finally see them live. 

All in all, I'd say it was a pretty (really, really) good weekend.

When Parents Come to Town...

And you only take a handful of pictures. 
First of all let me just say that last week was one of the most exhausting weeks of my life. I started watching a three-month old along with my regular nanny baby, and having two under the age of two just about did me in. 

My parents came for a short visit at the beginning of the week last week and it was so good to see them. I just wish I could've taken off from work, or at least not been so overwhelmed and exhausted from my new responsibilities. We ate so much Mexican food one night that I really thought I wouldn't be able to stand up from our booth, and then we had an old fashioned burger night just the way we had it when I was growing up. It was fun watching my dad and Miles at the grill, since my parents live so far away, Miles and my parents are still getting to know each other better. Not that its ever been weird, I just love any chance that my parents get to spend with Miles. 

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I love these three so much. I wish my brother and sister could've been there too. Guess I'll just have to wait for Thanksgiving! But then my parents will be missing. Yeesh, can't win.