November 19, 2012

A New City To Love

I'm sure I had a blast at all my kid-aged birthday parties, but as far as what I can remember as an adult--this birthday takes the cake. The birthday cake. I still need to upload pictures of all our fun, Miles surprised me with tickets to White Christmas on Thursday, threw a little surprise party/bonfire for me on Friday, and whisked me away to St. Louis for the weekend!

Can I confess that I fell in love with St. Louis during the 24 hours that we were there? I've already found dreamy old homes that we can buy (as in, actually afford) and searched for jobs in the area. I do recognize that I get like this after I visit certain places, ahem, Chicago...and I have a whole list of reasons why its different this time. Not that we're packing up any time soon, but I do love dreaming. 

image via

November 14, 2012

To Health

Well, I had my first migraine experience last week, and it was a solid eight day ordeal. I still don't feel 100% normal, but I am so very thankful to be able to function again! I'm still taking things really slowly and not trying to take on too much at once, but that can be difficult while taking care of two children under the age of two. I'm thankful for bosses who understand when I need to rest and a husband who takes care of everything so I can do so. I'm also really hoping to be back to normal before this weekend and subsequent birthday celebrations! 

While Rowan wasn't attacking my feet or destroying our house, he was a wonderfully adorable cuddle partner during my sick days.
He's gotten a little crazy lately, but we still love him to pieces. 

November 01, 2012

November Love

It is finally November!! November is my very favorite month for oh so many reasons: Its chilly outside, I have reached the globally accepted date my personally set date of choice for when I can begin to listen to Christmas music (yep, I'm that person)...and this November, my birthday and Thanksgiving fall within the same week. So not only do I get a weekend birthday celebration, but I will only have 2 (and maybe one half) days of work and then my brother and sister are coming to town! Can someone say best week ever?? I can. I can also write it down in every calendar in my life, and I have.

Miles and I are hosting Thanksgiving this year...whatever that means when there is only going to be a handful of people over. But still, I'm sure I'll start stressing over that soon enough. And then we get to go pick out a Christmas tree and hopefully decorate it while my siblings are still in town! This will be my second Christmas spent away from my family, but if I get to decorate this tree with not one, but three of my favorite family members (for the record, I love them all and they are all my favorite) in the whole world, I think that may take some of the sting away when Christmas rolls around.

If November is my favorite month, Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday season. I'm actually really sad on Christmas day because that means its all over. All the beautiful lights, wonderful music,  the old movies, the warm fuzzies...le sigh. I seriously love it so much...and so I let all that begin--much to Boo's chagrin, in November. Because I'll never get enough.

I love everything on this blog, and in Oana's etsy shop. Click here for the November desktop calendar!